Dairy Farm Herdsman (6561)
Location: Circleville, Ohio
Job Number: 6561
Primary responsibilities are taking care of the cows and ensuring their wellbeing.
1. Identifying sick cows and finding a proper treatment plan.
2. Calving assistance, tagging calves, and maintaining proper records. 3. Hoof Trimming: Maintenance trimming on a schedule and lameness trimming as soon as possible.
4. Clean water troughs and perform basic reparations.
5. Record keeping and regular cleaning/maintenance of office. Assist with seasonal or miscellaneous projects throughout the year.

1. Computer skills for record keeping
2. Previous agricultural or animal experience preferred
3. Ability to work and communicate effectively with others
4. Ability to work independently when needed

Great single family home with garage is provided (excluding utilities).
Time off is every other weekend.